Project Overview: How to argue about food animals?

        Bildquelle: Tabea Weber CCBY4.0

Premise and questions
- Social discussion about animals (especially food animals“) is increasingly heated
- Members of different discourse parties

  (science, politics, farmers, animal welfare/animal rights NGO‘s)

   complain about a lack of constructive quality of debates, (cyber) mobbing etc.


- Medialization of debates frequently adds to polarization


- Constructive debates about food animals are frequently described as impossible

   when different interest parties are involved


What are key factors causing these debates to fail?


Are the dramatic clashes and escalations offline and online a mere result of different worldviews (e.g. veganism vs. agricultural background) and fact-based, or are additional there structural and communicative barriers to be defined?


What are possible game-changers?


Could there ever be something like a peaceful, constructive discussion about food animals?

        Bildquelle: Tabea Weber CCBY4.0


Methods and output:


1. Structural theory and media research


2. Questionnaires (qualitative analysis of 12 participants from the discourse groups:


       consumers, farmers, veterinarians, animal welfare and animal rights activists


3. Developing a working model for observation and analysis (pre-level for later discourse model and discussion rules)


4. Student workshops


5. Digital dialogue with citizens (Podium discussion of experts and open discussion with viewer questions from chatroom)


6. Two Stakeholder/Expert workshops (July and August 2021)


7. Project website to make material easily accessible


8. Flyer with discussion rules distributed digitally and as print-out version via key stakeholders


9. Written publications aiming at different levels of language/target groups: article in a magazine on agriculture, article in magazine of our institution, project report as open source full text